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  中国石化新闻网讯 据能源世界8月3日消息,沙特阿美和其他海湾石油生产商正追随阿布扎比的脚步,计划通过出售能源资产的股份筹集数百亿美元,利用原油价格反弹吸引外国投资者。










  ADNOC目前正准备将其钻井业务上市,该业务在2018年的企业价值约为110亿美元,这将是其燃料分销子公司ADNOC Distribution于2017年上市后的第二次此类IPO(首次公开募股)。






  消息人士此前告知路透社,阿曼国有能源公司OQ正在考虑出售其钻井业务Abraj能源服务公司,并已聘请顾问出售其在葡萄牙电网运营商Ren 12%的全部股权。


  裘寅 摘译自 能源世界


  Riding the oil price rebound: Gulf states to accelerate asset sales

  Saudi Aramco and other Gulf oil producers are following in the footsteps of Abu Dhabi with plans to raise tens of billions of dollars through sales of stakes in energy assets, capitalising on a rebound in crude prices to attract foreign investors.

  The moves, in a region traditionally possessive of its refineries, power plants and pipelines, highlight the pressure on petrostates to raise funds to diversify their sources of revenue and to bolster national finances hit by a recent slump in oil prices and the coronavirus pandemic.

  After selling a significant minority stake in its oil pipelines to foreign investors for $12.4 billion in June, Saudi Aramco is weighing selling both downstream and upstream assets, two people familiar with the matter said.

  Aramco is looking to sell its gas pipelines under a leaseback arrangement, and could offer stakes in refineries, power plants, and potentially export terminals in the future, the people said.

  Stakes in upstream projects such as hydrogen could also be offered to strategic investors, one of the sources said.

  Smaller producers Oman and Bahrain are also contemplating similar asset sales, other sources said.

  "All of the oil producers are looking to recycle capital that they have tied up in infrastructure assets and deploy that for other things," said a senior executive at an energy-focused investment company, who asked not to be named.

  "Private investors find these assets attractive."

  Saudi Aramco declined to comment.

  Abu Dhabi National Oil Co (ADNOC) was the first regional oil major to seek outside investment, forming partnerships in both strategic and non-core assets to raise over $30 billion over the past four years.

  ADNOC is now preparing to list its drilling business, which in 2018 had an enterprise value of about $11 billion, and would be the second such IPO of its units after its fuel distribution arm, ADNOC Distribution, was listed in 2017.

  ADNOC has made attracting foreign investors a key element of the upcoming IPO, according to sources familiar with the deal, tying in with a national effort to boost the Abu Dhabi stock market.

  Conventional energy investments remain popular despite the transition away from fossil fuels. Assets such as pipelines and power plants provide long-term steady returns in a low interest rate environment.

  ADNOC and Aramco have not specified what they would spend the proceeds of the stake sales on. Both are looking to invest in clean energy projects. Aramco also needs to secure minority shareholders their share of the company's proposed $75 billion of annual dividends in the five years since a 2019 IPO.

  ADNOC declined to comment about its future plans. The company reiterated that proceeds from transactions between 2017 and 2020 were reinvested in its core business and strategic growth projects.

  Deals for Gulf energy assets are expected to gather pace and draw more interest as oil prices, supported by output cuts made by OPEC and other oil producers, hover above $70 a barrel. Oil has gained more than 40% since the start of the year.

  Oman state energy company OQ is weighing the possible sale of its drilling business, Abraj Energy Services, and has also hired advisors for the sale of its entire 12% stake in Portuguese power grid operator Ren, sources have previously told Reuters.

  Bahrain's Nogaholding, which manages the government's portfolio in oil and gas assets, is in the process of a "full review of the company's existing business and strategic plans", a spokesperson told Reuters.

 0  已被阅读了1414次  楼主 2021-08-04 14:59:25



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