霍尼韦尔和Preem进行商业共处理试验以生产可再生燃料 - 理财赚钱来理财吧 
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  中国石化新闻网讯 据ICIS-MRC网站9月20日莫斯科报道,据烃加工网信息显示,霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)宣布与瑞典可再生燃料生产商Preem AB公司完成了一项商业炼油厂试验,用于在流化催化裂化(FCC)装置中对生物质基热解油进行共处理。

  利用UOP专有的生物液体进料系统和OptimixTM GF进料分配器,在Preme的Lysekil炼油厂的FCC中成功地对热解油进行共处理,以生产部分可再生的运输燃料。该测试标志着UOP在全球范围内在FCC中对该技术进行的第6次商业协同处理试验,以及在斯堪的纳维亚使用UOP的Optimix GF Feed Distributor技术进行的第一次热解油共处理试验。

  Preem AB的可持续发展主管彼得·亚伯拉罕森(Peter Abrahamsson)表示,Preem的可再生汽油生产是瑞典实现气候目标必须解决的难题的重要一环。我们瑞典森林的残余产品具有独特的潜力,这是我们开发未来燃料工作中令人兴奋的一步。


  霍尼韦尔可持续技术解决方案部门副总裁兼总经理Ben Owens表示,UOP很高兴能支持Preem生产低碳运输燃料。生物质热解油的FCC共处理是一种利用现有的炼油厂基础设施将可持续原料转化为先进的生物燃料综合生产解决方案。

  Preem AB 是瑞典最大的燃料公司,年炼油能力逾1800万立方米。Preem炼油并向瑞典和世界各地的公司和消费者销售汽油、柴油、取暖油和可再生燃料。到2030年,Preem将生产大约500万立方米的可再生燃料,此后,Preem的目标是成为世界上第一家气候中和的生物燃料和炼油公司。


  郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


  Honeywell and Preem conduct commercial co-processing trial to produce renewable fuel

  Honeywell announced the completion of a commercial refinery trial with Preem AB for co-processing of biomass-based pyrolysis oil in a fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) unit, said Hydrocarbonprocessing.

  Utilizing UOP’s proprietary bioliquid feed system with OptimixTM GF Feed Distributor, pyrolysis oil was successfully co-processed in the FCC at Preem’s Lysekil refinery to produce partially renewable transportation fuel. This test marks the 6th commercial co-processing trial conducted by UOP worldwide of this technology in an FCC and the first pyrolysis oil co-processing trial in Scandinavia using UOP’s Optimix GF Feed Distributor technology.

  “Preem's production of renewable petrol is an important piece of the puzzle that Sweden must solve to achieve the climate goals,” said Peter Abrahamsson, Head of Sustainable Development at Preem AB. “Residual products from our Swedish forests have a unique potential and this is an exciting step in our work to develop the fuel of the future."

  To meet Sweden’s long-term goals of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, fuel suppliers must reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels. Co-processing of biomass-based pyrolysis oil is one method to reduce the carbon intensity of transport fuels at the refinery compared to blending of biofuels downstream. Pyrolysis oil produced from sustainable solid biomass materials such as sawdust or agricultural residuals is a low carbon feedstock suitable for refinery upgrading. Biomass-based pyrolysis oil can qualify as an Annex IX Part A feedstock under the European Union Renewable Energy Directive, which is directly supported by Sweden’s Integrated Energy and Climate Plan. Pyrolysis oil co-processed in an FCC is an economically attractive method of meeting RED biofuel mandates for Advanced Biofuels.

  "UOP is excited to support Preem for the production of low-carbon transportation fuels” said Ben Owens, vice president and general manager, Honeywell Sustainable Technology Solutions. “FCC co-processing of biomass-based pyrolysis oil is an integrated production solution using existing refinery infrastructure to convert sustainable feeds into advanced biofuels."

  FCC co-processing technology is part of a portfolio of renewable fuel solutions offered by the Sustainable Technology Solutions group at Honeywell UOP. Using the UOP Optimix GF Feed Distributor system, many types of bioliquids can be successfully co-processed in an FCC unit. Refinery co-processing is one method for meeting biofuel mandates and produce low carbon fuels.

  Preem AB is the largest fuel company in Sweden, with a refining capacity of more than 18 million cubic meters per year. Preem refines and sells gasoline, diesel, heating oil and renewable fuels to companies and consumers in Sweden and worldwide. By 2030, Preem will produce approximately 5 million cubic meters of renewable fuels, and thereafter aims to become the world’s first climate neutral biofuels- and refining company.

  Honeywell recently committed to achieve carbon neutrality in its operations and facilities by 2035. This commitment builds on the company’s track record of sharply reducing the greenhouse gas intensity of its operations and facilities as well as its decades-long history of innovation to help its customers meet their environmental and social goals. About half of Honeywell’s new product introduction research and development investment is directed toward products that improve environmental and social outcomes for customers.

 0  已被阅读了3604次  楼主 2021-09-23 12:37:08



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